Tag: <span>volunteer</span>

2024 River Never Sleeps Festival

The River Never Sleeps just keeps getting better every year! The number of organizations participating was up this year. The event provides a wonderful chance to meet with other environmental stewardship groups and learn about the exciting work that various volunteer groups are taking on. We thoroughly enjoy conversations with …

Announcing Bowser Pod !

We are expanding! BWS is launching a new stream sampling team, or ‘pod’ as we like to call them, in the Lighthouse area. This will provide a more comprehensive understanding of the health of streams on the eastern slopes of the Beaufort Range. We sample for turbidity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, …

2023: Year in Review

It is hard to believe that this will be our eighth year of existence as an organization. One more Annual General Meeting is in the books. This year’s was held on January 25th. Here are some highlights from our President’s Report: Five-year plan: This comprehensive document was completely and tabled …

Family Watershed Day

The Comox Valley Conservation Partnership sponsored a fun day for families to get out in Puntledge Park, learn about various conservation groups in the valley, and see some salmon coming up the Puntledge. It was a great day with games for kids and a chance for the adults to indulge …

Treasures of Stream Time

It seems so long ago, but it’s only been six years since a few of us in Fanny Bay began wondering how climate change might affect our water supply. This idle pondering led to the formation of a watershed stewardship group. At first, we thought the Wilfred Creek Watershed Stewards …

Profile: Pam Lengyel

Ours is a hard-working bunch. At the same time, we like to have a good laugh. In that regard Pam Lengyel is probably the quintessential BWS board member. Pam works as hard as anyone and she is never lacking for comments, jokes or stories that make us laugh. A lot! …