Category: <span>2023</span>

Family Watershed Day

The Comox Valley Conservation Partnership sponsored a fun day for families to get out in Puntledge Park, learn about various conservation groups in the valley, and see some salmon coming up the Puntledge. It was a great day with games for kids and a chance for the adults to indulge …

River Never Sleeps 2023

The 2023 festival was a well attended event with lots of fun all around. Our BWS crew were able to share information on what we know and don’t know about water status in our watersheds. Thanks to our passbook question, we had the opportunity to learn about water sources and …

2023 Earth Day Walk

The rain held and the forest was glorious! Our Earth Day celebration took place in one of our favorite and most pristine locations in our watersheds: Lower Waterloo Creek Forest. We held a guided interpretive walk led by Verna Mumby, whose knowledge of trees, mosses, ferns and insects held us …

Celebrating Our Community

We enjoy a wonderful sense of community and volunteerism, and that was on display for all at yesterday’s Celebrate Your Community event at the Fanny Bay Hall. BWS was happy to greet many neighbours and new friends at our booth. Jeanette was showcasing her brand new version of Watershed Jeopardy …