Category: <span>Director Profiles</span>

Profile: Pam Lengyel

Ours is a hard-working bunch. At the same time, we like to have a good laugh. In that regard Pam Lengyel is probably the quintessential BWS board member. Pam works as hard as anyone and she is never lacking for comments, jokes or stories that make us laugh. A lot! …

You Probably Know Bill!

If you play pickle ball, Bill has probably beaten you many times. If you’re on the Ships Point Fire Department, you’ve spent a lot of time with Bill at training sessions and callouts. If you’ve had any involvement with the SPVFFA (the volunteer association that raises money for the Ships …

Profile: Roger Chayer

A tribute to our outgoing President: We are an enthusiastic group, and board members have joked that running a BWS meeting is like herding cats. I thought a lot about that comparison during the day that we constructed the storage tent for processing refundables. There was really no one in …

Profile: Dave Weaver, President

You can’t see the specific conductivity of water but you can measure it. Can you taste it? Our YSI meter measures specific conductivity and gives us a precise number (microSiemens per centimetre). Specific Conductivity is useful as an indication of mineral content. Are there other ways to determine specific conductivity? …