We enjoy a wonderful sense of community and volunteerism, and that was on display for all at yesterday’s Celebrate Your Community event at the Fanny Bay Hall.
BWS was happy to greet many neighbours and new friends at our booth. Jeanette was showcasing her brand new version of Watershed Jeopardy so that attendees could test their watershed knowledge. It was definitely a hit! Above Suzanne and her sister are showing off their Jeopardy prize.
Wendy brought water from her co-op so attendees could sample the fresh water and learn how water can be sourced in an ethical and sustainable manner.
Verna was learning the ropes about all things BWS, and will be taking the lead on our next event for Earth Day. Stay tuned for that announcement–it is sure to be a popular one!
So thank you to all who volunteer their time to make a difference in the community!

That’s a great shot! Jeopardy was a lot of fun!