As part of BWS’ aquifer mapping project, we had the pleasure of working with Savanna Yamamoto, a University of Victoria Earth and Ocean Sciences student, supervised by Dr. Lucinda Leonard and Dr. Mike Wei. Savanna and Lucinda spent an intensive week in July 2022 collecting resistivity data with assistance from BWS volunteers. Just ask us about pounding stakes into the ground! Savanna has completed her analysis and presented her findings at UVic’s Science Honours Fest. You may view Savanna’s 3 minute presentation HERE.
Through this work, we will learn about the extent of fresh water in the aquifers east of the Beaufort Range. We will also obtain preliminary data regarding salt water intrusion near selected wells.
Hi, I am Daryl Erickson of the Qualicum Beach Streamkeepers and we are also interested in using simulations of our aquifers to understand water flows. I am currently studying the FeFlow modelling software as many of the hydro geological companies use it to model aquifers. Let me know if we can help each other.
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