Our New Status

Our New Status

We are not status seekers. We’re humble citizen scientists. We go about our business with no need for fame or adulation. Swaggering, after all, doesn’t help when you’re clambering down a creek bank or slogging through a freshet in chest waders with rushing water up to your thighs. 

But last year we did set about to achieve a certain kind of status. Specifically, that of a registered charity. The process of achieving charity status is not a journey for the faint of heart. There are reams of forms to complete, many hoops to jump through and long waits to endure. Fortunately, while we are adept at following the path of a tiny stream through a forest of salal and sword ferns, some of us are also adept at navigating the path of an application for charity status through a thicket of red tape and bureaucratic lingo.

In October of this year, the diligence and persistence of our bureaucratic navigators paid off: Beaufort Watershed Stewards is now a registered charity. As such, we can issue tax receipts for donations. This is timely news as the end of the tax year is not far off. We are certainly not going to give you tax advice, but if your accountant tells you that you could benefit from a few more charitable deductions we’d be more than happy to help. There is a $20 minimum for a tax receipt but certainly no maximum.

We are accepting eTransfers at info@beaufortwater.org. Be sure to include your name, physical address and email address in the comments so we can get a receipt to you. And while it won’t get you a tax receipt, a BWS membership always makes a nice stocking-stuffer. For further information, call Pam at 250.335.1831.

Donating to BWS has several benefits. It helps us continue to monitor the water that we all depend on and it inspires us to continue our work, knowing it is appreciated by the community. Donations at this time of year will have a huge influence on our planning for next year – an activity that is happening right now. 

And we’re pretty sure that being a financial supporter of BWS will bring you higher status!

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