Our Mission

The Beaufort Watershed Stewards work to promote the health and resilience of local watersheds in the Beaufort Range and to ensure the quality and quantity of fresh water for the future.

Our Values

Watershed ecological integrity

Evidence-based decision making

Scientific rigour

Open collaboration

The Land

We respectfully acknowledge that the watersheds we depend on are on the Unceded Traditional Territory of the K’ómoks, Pentlatch and Qualicum First Nations, the traditional keepers of this land.

Announcing: BWS Interactive Web Maps !

Searchable maps of the aquifers on the eastern slopes of the Beaufort Mountain Range. This work is the result of Beaufort Watershed Stewards’ collaboration with the University of Victoria and Vancouver Island University

2D Map of BWS Sampling Sites

3D Satellite Map of Watersheds



PO Box 253, Union Bay, BC V0R 3B0

Facebook: Beaufort Watershed Stewards

Instagram: beaufortwater

Video: A Watershed Moment

by Jori Grace Prokopetz, 2024 CVAG Youth Media Project

It was an Exciting Year!

Each year our Annual General Meeting is a chance to sit back and take in how much we have accomplished in a year.  We know we always feel busy, but it is truly amazing each year to see how far our organization has come in just seven years! To provide …

Water Extraction for International Export: At what risk to local aquifers?

Some residents along the eastern slopes of the Beaufort Range are aware of the Natural Glacial Waters bottling plant near Rosewall Creek in Fanny Bay. Since 1997 this plant has been extracting aquifer water and shipping it to Asian markets. While the BC Water Protection Act prohibits bulk export of …

Power of Forests Event–Sept 14

PURPOSE. The goal of this event is to bring together diverse partners to ensure BC’s public and private forest lands are protected by a new Forest Law, so that nature’s needs such as biodiversity, ecosystem function (including the provision of quality water), wildlife habitat, and climate mitigation are prioritized over …

2024 River Never Sleeps Festival

The River Never Sleeps just keeps getting better every year! The number of organizations participating was up this year. The event provides a wonderful chance to meet with other environmental stewardship groups and learn about the exciting work that various volunteer groups are taking on. We thoroughly enjoy conversations with …

Mark Isfeld Eco Fair

Once again we had so much fun at the Mark Isfeld Eco Fair. We love the enthusiasm that the kids have for learning about the environment. This year we had a set up to watch the new video “A Watershed Moment” and fir seedlings to give away.